Yellow and green quilt blocks and some fabric swaps

I finished two more blocks for my Bottled Rainbows quilt! Here are the yellow and grass green blocks. A big thanks to Marci for sending me some bright and beautiful scraps in the mail to finish my quilt. The night I got them, I started piecing together my blocks, and I had just the right…
Spent Saturday morning planting raspberry and gooseberry bushes for a community garden outside our church. I don’t know a thing about gardening, but was surrounded by people who do. Overall, the group planted more than 30 fruit or nut trees and about the same number of bushes, and the harvest will be open to anyone…
Finished my Kona charm pack quilt top! Among all of the possibilities, I stuck with the diamonds layout here, mostly to get it in one solid sheet and off the dining room floor. What is your favorite quilting style lately? Free motion, straight lines, hand stitching? I’m taking suggestions! I also wanted to show off…
Mary at Bugglebee recently tagged me with the Stylish Blogger award. I am actually privileged to know Mary in both the real world and as a craft blogger. (And as many of you know, Mary’s the one behind some very cute tutorials at our shared blog, Craft Buds!) One of the reasons I find Mary’s…
Mary at Bugglebee recently tagged me with the Stylish Blogger award. I am actually privileged to know Mary in both the real world and as a craft blogger. (And as many of you know, Mary’s the one behind some very cute tutorials at our shared blog, Craft Buds!) One of the reasons I find Mary’s…
I’m taking part in the fun Sis Boom Jamie Dress sew-along at Sew Sweetness. Got my fabric in the mail today, and I hopped right on it but cutting out all my patterns pieces. I also assembled the front of the bodice, which looks a bit like a chef’s hat here. (Fabric is Amy Butler’s…
I’ve decided it’s about time I got in on a Flickr Swap. Just signed up for the Goodie Bag Swap, and saw that some of my bloggy friends are also in on it. This swap is great because you can sign up in one of three difficulty levels, and partners are secret! You also get…
My husband spent the day at a fantasy baseball draft, which means I got to have my own kinda fantasy day. Yes, that’s right. I spread out my quilting crap all over the living room while catching up on DVR shows. Yes! Four more Bottled Rainbows blocks done! Add that to the teal block, and…
Psssst. I’m giving away at stack of five fat vintage sheet quarters and some lacy ribbon at The Vintage Sheet Blog. Hurry over in the next few days and you may win!  Follow on Twitter and Facebook
This weekend, I finally got into the Bottled Rainbows quilt. My progress–I cut all 16 Neutral Kona blocks and finished the teal block (with batting) using a quilt as you go method. I can already tell that I’m going to enjoy this much more than quilting a large piece all at once, because it’s so…


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!


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