Luck o’ the Irish

I’ve had the privilege to travel to Ireland not once, but twice, and stay with friends. I think traveling this way gives you a much greater appreciation for the culture. What a beautiful, beautiful country! Here are a few of my favorite shots from Leprechaun land. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you! Feeling lucky yourself?…
Good morning blogosphere! I’m writing from Washington, D.C. where I’m on vacation with my husband Matt and our good friends Sara and Jonah. Besides eating some great Indian food, I’ve also thoroughly enjoyed seeing pandas at The National Zoo and checking out Pulitzer Prize winning photos at The Newseum. Why I am blogging on vacation?…
A week ago Saturday, I met up with local quilters for my first meeting of the Indy Modern Quilt Guild. Though the group has been meeting for about a year, this is the first time I was able to make it in person. I keep up with the group through a virtual quilting bee, and…
I enter a lot of crafty giveaways. At least a few per day. The other week, I learned that I’d won a fat quarter set from The Project Girl! It’s from Jen Allyson’s new (and very first) fabric line Quite Contrary, which is springy and wonderful. Received it today in the mail, and it makes…
I did some patchwork the other night with some scraps and solids. I think the white one wants to be a mug rug. And the other one, a pot holder? These are works in progress. Probably would have gotten to them this weekend, but I’m starting another crafty blog with my friend Mary! And I’ve…
Okay, this is fun. I made my picks today in Fat Quarterly’s March Modern Fabric Madness, a quilter’s take on the NCAA bracket. My final four are Central Park, Sherbet Pips, It’s a Hoot and Echino. As is with the basketball version, I’m hoping my unassuming guessing prowess will prevail. Every March Madness season, I…
I made these blocks using Elizabeth Hartman’s Mod Mosaic Floor Pillow tutorial, and I have to say that it was just so much fun! I had some white fabric strips leftover from a previous quilt squares swap, so I trimmed them down to 1-inch strips. Also dug out some new and old fabric scraps that…
The other day, I got my hands on a Lapel Stick, dubbed the “ultimate accessory” for quilters, sewers and crafters. It looks and acts like a glue stick for fabric, and is a temporary adhesive that dries clear. If you are having trouble finding this product, any craft or fabric glue stick will due! Ideally,…
Of 234 comments, there could only be two winners. Congrats to #155 and #11! I’ll be in touch about your $25 fabric gift certificates. Stephanie of Craft, Craft Baby (#155)     I became a public follower of your blog. 🙂     February 5, 2011 7:53 PMtwelfthzodiac (#11)     I also liked SFF on fb, that…
Have you submitted your blocks yet for Quiltstory’s Block Party contest (Feb 7-9)? They are offering some great prizes in three categories (modern, traditional and creative), and quilters can submit up to 3 blocks for judging. I’ve decided to submit these three blocks (2 from my IMQB block swap, and one that I’ve yet to…


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!


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