It’s a Boy! Nursery Decor

Thank you for all the kind comments on my last post about the Modern Bee book! This year has been so full of exciting changes and the last few weeks have been no different.  My husband and I made the move to Nashville, Tennessee earlier this year, and we just moved again to a new…
Last week, my production coordinator at C&T told me I’d be getting an advanced copy of my book in the mail either Monday or Tuesday. Really?! Was it already time? The book releases in September and Amazon will start shipping Modern Bee by October. I checked the mail. All day. And again. I didn’t see…
Well… the title of this post is a little misleading. After reading it, you might think I’ve been sewing up a storm this summer! I’ve actually taken on some new editing work for the summer, so my freelance plate has kept me more than a little busy. But, I’d love to show you what I’ve…
Last February, right around the time we moved, I was juggling a few sewing projects. One of them, I am thankful to have included in the Fall 2013 issue of Stitch magazine! Love this weekender-type travel bag on the cover, and some of the clothing patterns in this issue are to die for.   My…
If you follow me on instagram, you may have already heard my big news — the Mr. and I are expecting! When I made my other big announcement in March, I teased the fact that I had some huge news coming. The funny story about this is that Jenny, a new friend in town, wrote…
You know that feeling when you just know the list of W.i.P.s is growing and you don’t know if you’ll ever get out? I’m happy to say that I knocked one off my list, which is my do Good Stitches quilt from March! The blocks were made by the ladies in my Imagine Circle of…
You know that feeling when you just know the list of W.i.P.s is growing and you don’t know if you’ll ever get out? I’m happy to say that I knocked one off my list, which is my do Good Stitches quilt from March! The blocks were made by the ladies in my Imagine Circle of…
Hello friends! I had another post planned today to let you all know what I’ve been up to this month, including a fun trip to with the hubs to California. But, since I actually finished a quilt, I’ll share that instead! I was in a hurry to finish a commissioned baby quilt, and decided to…
With the arrival of spring and Mother’s Day just around the corner, we want to help you celebrate with a big crafty giveaway. Enter the Spring Into May Giveaway for your chance to win one of six HUGE prize packs. The total of all prizes is valued at more than $2,200!   Janome Magnolia 7325…
Happy Monday to you! This weekend, Matt and I tried to explore all things Nashville, including Record Store Day and a fun Earth Day festival. We also met some new local friends, and I skipped a really great concert to stay home and blog (fail). 🙂 Today was a happy mail day! Check out this…


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!


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