APQ Radio Show Monday

Hello! I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving! I celebrated the holidays a little early with family, since Matt and I are now camping out at home to await the baby’s arrival. My due date is in early January, but we’re entering that window where you really don’t want to be far from home….
Since I’ve been a little MIA this month, I wanted to tell you what’s been filling my days. Yesterday, I shared some pics from my trip to Houston Quilt Market. The very next weekend, I hosted a . . . Book Release Party in Nashville I know I talk a lot about fabric on this…
If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed that I’ve been putting together a little party! This Friday, November 1st, I’m hosting it’s a little gathering to celebrate the release of my book, Modern Bee. I had a lot of fun planning the decor, refreshments (stay tuned for pics of the much-anticipated book…
I’m headed to Quilt Market in Houston today! At first, I felt a little overwhelmed by taking this trip in my third trimester, but it will be worth it to see friends and take it all in. Stash Books is also hosting a book signing for me on Saturday morning, and I have some other…
This weekend, we took some friends antique shopping around town and I found this gorgeous vintage quilt top. Although I’ve seen and appreciated many vintage quilts, this is the first that I had to have! I love how modern this simple pattern looks with just two fabrics: a butter yellow and a navy pinstripe. With…
Hello friends! You might have noticed that I’m hosting a Modern Bee blog hop with several of my friends. 🙂 I don’t want anyone to miss out, so I thought I’d fill you in on the highlights and let you know where you can comment to win a copy of the book or some fun…
Just a note that today marks the first day of the Modern Bee blog tour, and I’m guest posting over at Sew Mama Sew with some fun freebies! It’s time to wrap up my Sewing Summit recap. In case you missed it, you can read part one here! Friday: Classes Fabric Design with Pat Bravo…
Would you believe that I’ve been a sewing fool this week? I’ve made it my goal to finish up two quilt tops, and I also had a personal project . . . my new diaper bag! I’m guest blogging today over at my friend Sara’s blog, with a review of the Sew Sweetness Aragon Bag….
Three quick things: 1. The winner of the Modern Bee book giveaway is #4, Claudia! 2. I’m also offering signed copies of the book in my shop! > 3. In other news, I’m back from the Sewing Summit conference this weekend, and had a fabulous time in Salt Lake City! Wednesday: Travel Day I had…
It’s my turn on the Craft Book Month blog hop at Craft Buds! For those of you who don’t know, Craft Buds is my other blog that I run with my friend Mary. The two of us started Craft Book Month in September 2011 for two reasons: a) to encourage others (and ourselves) to make…


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!


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