Product Review & Giveaway: Introducing the Lapel Stick

The other day, I got my hands on a Lapel Stick, dubbed the “ultimate accessory” for quilters, sewers and crafters. It looks and acts like a glue stick for fabric, and is a temporary adhesive that dries clear. If you are having trouble finding this product, any craft or fabric glue stick will due!

Lapel Stick Giveaway!
Ideally, this product replaces basting and pinning that comes with applying appliques or even small quilting projects. The glue is safe to use on all kinds of fabrics (cottons, wool, polyester, blends, felt, linen and leather!) and claims to not gum up your needles. (It doesn’t, nor does it “grease through” your fabrics.

I decided to give the Lapel Stick a try in my craft room. First, I applied to the edges of this applique cat I made a few days ago (I know, I know. Probably shouldn’t have wasted the Flea Market Fancy.)
Lapel Stick used on applique
But it worked great! Honestly, I don’t know how I would have gotten the snipped edges to turn down without the use of this glue stick.

I also tried it out on these felt stars, which adhered really well to the quilting fabric. I stitched up these stars with no pins and without using my fingers to hold them in place.

Lapel Stick with Felt

Next, I wanted to see how the Lapel Stick would hold up when quilting multiple layers together. I applied the adhesive between each layer in a stack of materials I wanted to quilt together (quilt top, batting, back). 


Here’s the front, which quilted together nicely, with no bumps. But as you can see, the bottom layer got a little bumpy, so I think it would be better to baste or use pins when quilting a large area. Plus, you’d go through a ton of this stuff on a quilt!

Quilting with the Lapel Stick

For those who like to wear heels, the Lapel Stick can also be used to “hem” pants to multiple heel heights without alterations. The glued hem just comes out in the wash. I tried it out by rolling up a leg of my favorite jeans. A couple minutes later, I was surprised that the fabric actually made a sound when I unrolled it, like the adhesive was really working.

It’s also supposed to be useful for fashion emergencies (hello brides!), like:

  • Fallen hem on pants or skirt
  • Peek-a-boo button gaps on blouses
  • Collared shirts that curl up
  • Falling-down bra straps

I really liked this product, and I admire the company even more for staying true to its mission. Lapel Stick supports Juvenile Diabetes research, with $3 of each $5 earned going directly to that cause. What’s not to like about that? Lapel Stick also offers fundraising options for your school, church, team, or organization.

While a few other companies have similar products on the market in the $2 to $5 range (Dritz, Fons & Porter, Collins), this Canadian company really inspires with its dedication to a cause. To order the Lapel Stick, individuals and retailers can shop here.


Would you like to try out the Lapel Stick for free? Two lucky readers will win a stick to try out in your own craft room!

To enter:

  1. Leave me a comment telling me how you’d like to use this product. 
  2. For an extra entry, share this giveaway on Twitter, Facebook or your blog and leave me another comment. (It’s easy to share via the buttons in the gray bar at the bottom of this post.)

I’ll draw 2 winners on Sunday, Feb. 20 at 10pm, EST. Good luck!


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I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!