Indy Modern Quilt Guild meetup and my growing FQ stash

A week ago Saturday, I met up with local quilters for my first meeting of the Indy Modern Quilt Guild.


Though the group has been meeting for about a year, this is the first time I was able to make it in person. I keep up with the group through a virtual quilting bee, and these photos are pulled from our Flickr group.

With the hubby out of town, I thought it was a good excuse to drive about an hour and meet some fellow quilters. You know, just go crazy!

show & tell
the other Lindsay‘s wonky squares 

After introductions, we did a quick sew and tell, which was a great way to see what techniques others use to join quilt blocks together, use up spare batting and applique. I brought a patchwork pillow and some mod mosaic blocks to show off.

show & tell

To wrap up, we all made name tags from fabric scraps and notions, which will help us remember each other at the next meeting. As you can see, they all looked wildly different!


I’m super excited for the March IMQG meeting, which will be held at my favorite fabric shop, Always in Stitches (which is also a much shorter drive). I’ve also heard a rumor about goody bags. Squeal! If you are in the Indianapolis area and would like more info, just message me!

Group Shot
Guess who closes her eyes in every picture? This girl. 🙂

Speaking of Always in Stitches, did I mention that they had designer fat quarters on sale (25 for $25) the other week? Definitely made a snowy day more enjoyable!

fabric stash

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I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!