Sewing Summit 2013 Recap: Shop Hop + Opening Reception

Three quick things:

1. The winner of the Modern Bee book giveaway is #4, Claudia!

2. I’m also offering signed copies of the book in my shop! << Order here >>

3. In other news, I’m back from the Sewing Summit conference this weekend, and had a fabulous time in Salt Lake City!

Wednesday: Travel Day

I had a long travel day on Wednesday, but thankfully I got to share the flights with my friend Veronica.
I think we were both a little exhausted by the time we arrived at SLC
airport, but thankfully we were met by another friendly face, Shannon. We all rode the Trax from the airport to the hotel, and got a huge kick out of the random passenger photo-bombing over Shannon’s shoulder.

I was immediately impressed with how nice the people of Salt Lake were when a random guest carried my luggage from the train to the front door of my hotel. Perhaps this is one of the benefits of the now-obvious baby bump? In any case, I’ll take it!

Thursday Morning: Shop Hop
We woke up bright and early Thursday to go on a shop hop of a few local quilt stores. The Sewing Summit provided a bus tour, but Veronica and I hopped on an unofficial tour with Carina, an SLC local, who was so fun to meet! That’s Carina on the left with one of her sewing patterns at the Material Girls quilt shop. Lunch at Cafe Rio was delicious, and we also checked out Pine Needles (lower right), and cute little shop in Gardner Village.

Since I love a good cupcake shop and reality TV, I was psyched to try out One Sweet Slice, a nearby shop. The owner competed and won an episode of Cupcake Wars, and it was easy to taste why in my cupcake, a pumpkin chocolate chip with cream cheese icing. The entire inside of the shop was decorated so cute, I just wanted to curl up and live there.
We visited some really cute antique shops and boutiques after lunch. If you get a kick out of Michael Jackson dolls and really tiny Easy Bake Ovens, I’ve added more photos from our shopping trip at my Facebook page.
Left to right: Elena, Heather, Angela, me, Amy, Lindsey
Thursday Night: Opening Reception
The Sewing Summit provided refreshments for an opening session (as well as two lunches and one dinner throughout the weekend), so I hopped downstairs to meet some other attendees. We snapped a pic with Heather Bailey, who was hanging out for the weekend. 
The day before I flew to Salt Lake City, a box of Modern Bee books
arrived at my house. Yay!! I stuffed my suitcase with a dozen copies,
and during my trip I had the pleasure of hand delivering copies to
several of the book’s contributors. Ali and Elena asked me to sign copies of their books, which was fun and funny, and made for a great photo op.
After the party, I had to turn in early for the night to work on some freelance editing. This really bummed me out, because I had hoped to leave my laptop behind and really just soak it all in. But I did get to finish off my pumpkin cupcake, so the night was not all lost!
Stay tuned for a recap of my classes, the food and some beautiful sewing projects I spotted along the way!


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!