Tablet Shoulder Bag for Sewing Class

Hi sewing friends! I wanted to share a recent finish . . . this is the “Tablet Shoulder Bag
pattern by Sara Lawson of Sew Sweetness, which she contributed to the book On the Go Bags, which I co-authored with Janelle McKay of Emmaline Bags. I love this bag and this is the third one I’ve made.

I’m going to be teaching a sewing class in Ohio this spring, and when they asked for a bag pattern that a beginner could sew (sharing a machine) and feel accomplished at the end of the workshop, I couldn’t think of a better pattern than this one from the book!

Tablet Shoulder Bag

I’m sending this bag off to be a shop sample, and had fun picking out the fabrics. The main fabric is Art Gallery denim in painterly wash (I’ve been hoarding it for years!), and the aqua lining fabric is Denyse Schmidt.

Tablet Shoulder Bag

The bag is a nice size! Here is is with a Kindle Fire inside. It would be a nice everyday bag if you like to keep things light. There’s one roomy inside pocket and one outside pocket. Both are secured by a single magnetic snap when the top flap is closed.

Tablet Shoulder Bag 

Hope your week is going great!

You can find the “Tablet Shoulder Bag” pattern in:

Order: Amazon / CTPub / Barnes & Noble


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!