Chevron Patchwork Curtains for Fat Quarters Book

 Chevron Patchwork Curtains

About 18 months ago, I designed patchwork curtains to appear in a book and hang in Elliot’s nursery.  The theme of the book was any projects made from fat quarters, so I utilized my easy Half-Square Triangles (8 at a time) method to maximize the number of patchwork pieces from each fat quarter.

Chevron Patchwork Curtains

Of course, I chose my favorite color combo of yellow, aqua and grey.
But this time, I added in a little black for contrast, and I love the

Here’s the project featured in the book. Notice anything different? You can switch the left and right panels to change the direction of the arrow from up to down. Neato!

Fat Quarters: Small Fabrics, More Than 50 Big Ideas from Lark Crafts is now available on Amazon!


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!