A Furry Weekend + Winner

I’d like to say I got some sewing done this weekend, but I didn’t. Instead, we adopted this little girl. Meet Chloe!

Our new cat, Chloe

Apparently I have a cat “type” because she looks like a smaller version of our little guy Murph. 🙂


Does anyone have tips on introducing a new cat to your current pets? It’s been a little hissy, although we kept her in a spare room for a bit.

Also, THANK YOU for all of the support and encouragement for my new sewing pattern! This has been an exciting week and I truly appreciate every one of your comments. 🙂 I’ve added a little button to my sidebar so you can access all of my free and for-purchase patterns when they release.


The winner of the free “Glass Half Full” pattern is…

#12 Kelly @ Jeliquilts!

Kelly has some very cute flying paper-piecing projects on her blog right now, so head over and check them out. 🙂

Craft Buds and My Shop

About Family Crafts: Want to participate in a fun craft challenge? Check out Sherri’s current pirate make-it-over crafts challenge!

Aileen’s Musings: Check out the Blog Giveaway Aileen is sharing and find out how you can win a felt love banner kit!

Carmi’s Art/Life World: Carmi had a whole week of CHA posts starting with this one about Basic Grey!

Crafty Princess Diaries: The yarn shortage is over, and the Crafty Princess can show off a baby ghan she made for a donation drive she is running for Healthy Start.

Eileen – The Artful Crafter: Eileen made a hybrid Valentine’s Day card inspired by a book she just read, I Heart Stationery by Charlotte Rivers.

Mixed Media Artist: Learn how easy it is to create some great textured fabrics by adding simple hand-sewn tucks!  


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!