Hexagon Bee Blocks with the Accuquilt

I’m participating in the 4×5 Modern Quilt Bee on Flickr. What this means is that four times a year, I’ll make 5 blocks for the others in my “hive” in their requested colors. In return, I’ll get a variety of blocks back in my chosen colors (yellow, gray & aqua)

This is the first round, and I decided to make this block five times. Three of the ladies chose an aqua/orange/gray color scheme, so I got to double up on my fabrics! I cut all the hexagons with the Accuquilt Go! Baby and hexagons dies, which made it super easy to get accurate cuts. I machine-pieced the hexagons together, then trimmed the block to a rectangle and added a white border. Each block is 12.5″ square.

4x5 Bee: Block for Tiffany

The first aqua/orange/gray block. I used fabrics from my stash, and ordered the orange and aqua 1001 Peeps prints, and gray with while polka dots.

4x5 Bee: Block for Stacey

Orange/red/pink: All from my stash! Actually, many prints were from a scraps bag I picked up a while back from Fresh Lemons Quilts.

4x5 Bee: Block for Cathy

Aqua/orange/gray #2. While I had the house to myself, I may have sewn this while singly along to Glee on Youtube.

4x5 Bee: Block for Kelly

Chartreuse/yellow/aqua: I ordered the Metro Living Circles to pair with these other fabrics from my stash. By the time I was adding borders to these five blocks, I may have moved on from Glee tracks to reliving the musicals I was in during high school, also via Youtube.

4x5 Bee: Block for Amber

Aqua/orange/gray #3. Did I mention it’s my 10-year high school reunion this summer?

4x5 Bee Blocks for Hive Thirteen!

Ta-da! I’m a bit early for this bee, but I wanted to knock something off my sewing to-do list to work on some bigger projects I’ve been meaning to get to. I hope the other ladies enjoy their blocks!

Speaking of Accuquilt, I think there might be a giveaway coming up here soon . . .

Accuquilt GO! Baby giveaway


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!