Tutorial: Thread catcher and pin cushion & $50 fabric GIVEAWAY

Welcome Gen X Quilters readers and Sew Fresh Fabrics friends!  Please scroll down for a giveaway, at the end of this post. If you are like me, you have fabric scraps that you intend to use, but you really don’t know what they should become. Today I turned some leftover apron fabric into some thread…
Welcome Gen X Quilters readers and Sew Fresh Fabrics friends!  Please scroll down for a giveaway, at the end of this post. If you are like me, you have fabric scraps that you intend to use, but you really don’t know what they should become. Today I turned some leftover apron fabric into some thread…
Do you love pockets? Admire quilty goodness? Check out Ikat bag’s pocket tutorial, for use on purses, skirts, shirts, and more. And if you like this mini quilt covered in pockets, she’s giving one away!  Follow on Twitter and Facebook
When I look back at 2010, I treasure the new discoveries I’ve found through crafting and the relationships formed by meeting others with shared interests. I’ve learned that crafters are genuinely nice and interesting people. I’m also happy to be a part of a greater community where people so freely share inspiration! I’m setting some…
Can you believe there are only three full days left of 2010? I know I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around this year coming to a close. As far as sewing and crafting goes, I’d consider this year a success. Inspired by Kara at Mine for the Making, I’ve decided to look back…
Every time I think I am done crafting for the holidays, it just sneaks up on me again. I get the urge. The same thing happened tonight, after work, errands, PF Chang’s, 127 Hours and the drive home. I had just enough energy to wrap up three projects! And to think that today was the…
To the winner of the Sew Mama Sews contest, Rachel from the blog Not-so-Plain Jane! Thanks to everyone who commented! I had loads of fun looking at the other blogs and meeting some new friends. Rachel said… We have 2 Jack Russell Terriers – Abby and Derby – and if they don’t behave, they’ll be…
Inspired by Sew Mama Sew, I’ll be hosting another giveaway starting Dec. 13 and ending Dec. 17. It’s easy to enter!Comment on this blog and tell me a) your pet’s name and b) what they are getting for Christmas. Friend/family pets allowed. 🙂 For one extra entry, Follow me on Twitter, Google Friend Connect, or…
Inspired by Sew Mama Sew, I’ll be hosting another giveaway starting Dec. 13 and ending Dec. 17. It’s easy to enter!Comment on this blog and tell me a) your pet’s name and b) what they are getting for Christmas. Friend/family pets allowed. 🙂 For one extra entry, Follow me on Twitter, Google Friend Connect, or…
I love Christmastime for many reasons. Inevitably, the season brings out all kinds of do-gooder, and that just makes me feel warm and fuzzy. And then there are the giveaways! Chronicle Books is sponsoring Happy Haul-idays, in which bloggers can list $500 worth of Chronicle Books they’d like to win, and blog readers can comment…


I’m Lindsay Conner, and welcome to my sewing home! I am a modern quilter, author, editor, pattern designer, wife, and mom. I use this space to share my latest projects, tutorials, and patterns!


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